Effective treatment for foot fungus. Fungus on the feet is a fairly common disease; according to statistics, at least a quarter of all people on Earth suffer from it. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most people do not even suspect that they are carriers of the fungus, because it inhabits and develops imperceptibly.
The fungus brings not only aesthetic and physical inconveniences, but also synthesizes toxic substances that can accumulate in the body and poison it. That is why it is very important to know how to prevent and fight against this disease in order to preserve your health. How do fungi affect the feet and what contributes to it?
Causes of foot fungus
Simple ways of penetrating parasitic fungi into the skin can be cracks and scratches between the toes that occur with excessive sweating or, conversely, dry feet, all kinds of scratches from wearing too tight shoes, poor wiping of the feet after taking water treatments. In addition, various endocrine and vascular diseases, varicose veins, diabetes, flat feet, as well as reduced immunity or stress can cause fungal infections.
The fungus is transmitted by close contact with the patient, through the items he used - a towel, a laundry cloth, shoes, clothes, manicure machines, and even a comb. Especially in that respect, common spaces, such as bathrooms and swimming pools, are becoming dangerous. , because heat and humidity are ideal conditions for the development of the fungus. Once in the nail plate, almost entirely composed of keratin, the fungus begins to grow and multiply slowly. It gradually takes the place of the nail, dissolves it and begins to spread further to the skin around. With a fungal infection, cracks and peeling first appear between the toes, and later the skin begins to redden and itch.
Signs of fungus on the feet
Characteristic signs of foot fungus are:
- darkening of the nail
- platinum nail becomes brittle and peels
- the shape of the nail itself is deformed
- pain at the tips of the toes
- stink
Therefore, at the first manifestations of fungal infection, it is urgent to take measures to control the fungus in order to stop its spread further along the skin. If the fungus is not treated at all, it will move from one nail to another and further to nearby parts of the skin, in very advanced cases there is damage to even internal organs.
If you suspect that you have the fungus, then you can conduct such a screening test at home: dilute the crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water to make a purple solution. Dip your feet into it and hold for a while. Affected areas of the nail will remain bright and unaffected areas will turn brown.
You can consult a dermatologist - dermatologist, who will most likely send you for an analysis - scraping to determine the type of fungus, after which he will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Treatment of foot fungus folk remedies
You can effectively treat foot fungus with folk methods, especially this treatment can be successful at the very beginning of the disease. Previously, when pharmacies did not sell such powerful antifungal drugs, people coped and dealt with fungal infections without them using folk recipes:

- Treatment of foot fungus with onions. The easiest way to treat is onions. Grate the onion head and squeeze the juice from it and lubricate the areas affected by the fungus on the feet. When the juice dries, the feet do not need to be washed, the procedure is best done before bedtime.
- They are marine. A sea salt solution will help cure the fungus in 10 days. Twice a day - morning and evening, wash your feet in baths with sea salt (1 teaspoon to 1 cup of water). Then moisten the cotton wool in physiological solution, apply the cotton wool to the place affected by the fungus and hold it until it dries. Then wash your feet with a soda solution (the proportion is the same as with the sea solution) and dry your feet.
- With garlic. A good effect is the treatment of fungus on the feet with a saline infusion of garlic. Prepare a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Take 1 tablespoon of this solution and add 1 large clove of crushed garlic. Strain and press through gauze, add another 4 tablespoons of saline to the resulting mixture. Lubricate the affected areas with the prepared solution twice a day. Each time it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution for treatment.
- Clay treatment. Clay is another helper for foot mycosis. Dilute the clay powder (sold at the pharmacy) with cold water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply a thick layer on the affected areas, wrap with a linen cloth. You will need to remove the bandage before the clay dries, and then wash your feet with a solution of lemon (1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of water). Clay lotions should be done at least 2 times a day, and preferably 3 times, each time preparing a new portion of clay.
- Celery juice. In summer, if celandine grows in your country house, then you can use the juice of this plant, because it has a strong antifungal effect. The plant needs to be uprooted, orange juice will immediately appear on it and the affected areas will be smeared. Just keep in mind that the procedure is not very pleasant, you will feel itchy, but as the juice is absorbed, it will pass. After a few minutes, re-lubricate the area with juice and do it 3-4 times. The procedure should be repeated twice a day for a month. In addition, you can prepare celandine oil yourself, which can also be used against foot fungus throughout the year, not just in summer when this plant blooms.
- Treatment with celandine compresses. If you have a dried celandine plant, grind it into a powder and mix it with tea tree oil to get a thick emulsion. Apply daily as a compress on the affected areas of the feet. Continue like this until the old fungal nail comes off and a new one grows in its place.
- Propolis. Alcoholic tincture of propolis is an effective and affordable remedy against fungi, you can always buy it at the pharmacy. Possessing antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerative and anesthetic effects, propolis is harmful to fungi. Moisten a cotton swab with 20% propolis tincture and apply to the affected area, wrap your feet in polyethylene and fasten everything with a bandage, the procedure is best done at night. After about a month of treatment, the nail affected by the fungus will break off and a new one will grow in its place.
- Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is another effective remedy for fungus on the feet, apply it to the affected areas several times a day and the fungus will withdraw. You can do this, for example, while sitting in front of the TV and watching your favorite show. Apply a cotton swab moistened with apple cider vinegar to the problem areas of the feet and then, when it dries, replace it with a new one. In time, the fungus on your feet will go down.
- Herbal balm. You can prepare a medicinal herbal balm against fungi yourself: pour 0. 5 liters of sunflower oil into an enamel bowl and add 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herbs: peppermint, comfrey and golden root (Rhodiola rosea). Put on low heat and heat, but not more than 65 degrees. Turn off the stove and let it cook for 12 hours, strain. Add 1 tablespoon of oil solutions of vitamins A, E and D to the balm, mix everything and apply the balm to the affected areas at least 2 times a day. The balm must be stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is not longer than six months.
- Birch tar. Birch tar, which is sold in pharmacies, is another of the strongest enemies of foot fungus. Every time after showering, apply the affected areas on your toes and nail plates and do not wash them afterwards. After a few such procedures, you will not even notice that the fungus will disappear without a trace. For me personally, this method helped me a lot to get rid of the fungus on my feet, which I picked up once while visiting the pool.

If someone in your family has the fungus, then you need to take precautions to avoid infection.
- Until the patient cures the fungus, he should not walk around the house barefoot, nor sit with his feet on the sofa or chairs.
- Before bathing, it should be thoroughly washed with any liquid product with chlorine, which kills the fungus.
- Scissors, nail files and other pedicure and manicure items must be wiped with alcohol.
- If the fungus is found in one of the spouses, then he must go to bed in clean, ironed cotton socks and change the bedding every week.
- Be sure to treat your shoes by wiping the inside with apple cider vinegar, 40% acetic acid or formalin solution.
Prevention of foot fungus
- Never wear other people's shoes, and when visiting - slippers offered to you. It is better to bring a change of shoes or go to the room in socks.
- In the cold season, always change your shoes into replaceable shoes, do not allow your feet to overheat, because just when your feet are sweating, fungi start their attack.
- Don’t forget to bring rubber slippers when you visit the solarium, pool, sauna, bath or therapeutic baths in the sanatorium. Pour boiling water over the bench and sink in the bathtub, place a sheet or towel on the shelf, only you can lie down and sit on them.
- Do not walk barefoot in hotels, sports locker rooms, train compartments and other public places, as well as on the beach without slate. The last precaution is not superfluous, in the humid hot sand is a hotbed of fungal infections, hides a lot of fungi infected with scales and nail fragments.
- Replace bath and shower mats and canvas sponges with rubber. Moisture is retained in their folds, skin flakes and nail pieces get stuck, and the rubber mat can always be easily watered with hot water.
- After showering or bathing, wipe your feet well until they dry, and especially carefully between the toes so that moisture does not remain there, and with it the chances of fungus settling.
- Change your socks, stockings or tights every day. Do not allow anyone to even temporarily use files, manicure tools, sponges, laundry towels.
- Do not wear the same pair of shoes for more than two days in a row. Allow to dry well during the day.
- When buying shoes, never try them on bare feet.
- Monitor the condition of your feet, take care of your feet - take measures in time for sweating, dryness, blisters and prevent cracks on your feet.
- If, however, you suspect that you could get the fungus while you are at the pool or beach, then when you get home, treat your feet by wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in 6% table vinegar solution or washing your feet with tar soap.
Adhere to these precautions, remember that the disease is always easier to prevent than to cure later.